Reynstodyne Fokus FWE 'Lady Guinevere'
- Type: Quasi-Concentric Reynst Breathing Valveless Pulsejet
- Evaluation: UNKNOWN [to be independently built & tested]
- Performance: UNKNOWN
- Features: Easy starting, good running, throttleable
- Design disclosure: February 2006
- Prototype: To be independently built & tested
Original post in Kenneth Moller's Valveless Pulsejet Forum
Reynstodyne Whale Shark
- Type: Reynst Breathing Valveless Pulsejet
- Evaluation: UNKNOWN [to be independently built & tested]
- Performance: UNKNOWN
- Features: Easy starting, good running, throttleable, low cost, extremely easy construction
- Design disclosure: November 2005
- Prototype: To be independently built & tested
Original post in Kenneth Moller's Valveless Pulsejet Forum
Reynstodyne Fokus FWE V 'Thin Lady'
- Type: Reynst Breathing Valveless Pulsejet
- Evaluation: UNKNOWN [to be independently built and tested]
- Performance: UNKNOWN
- Features: Easy starting, good running, throttleable, low cost, thin profile, light weight
- Design disclosure: November 2005
- Prototype: To be independently built & tested
Original post in Kenneth Moller's Valveless Pulsejet Forum
Reynstodyne Elektra IV 'Black Princess'
- Type: Reynst Breathing Valveless Pulsejet
- Evaluation: UNKNOWN [currently under in-house testing]
- Performance: UNKNOWN
- Features: Easy starting, good running, throttleable, low cost, thin profile, light weight
- Design disclosure: July 2005
- Prototype: Built & tested in-house 2005
Original post in Kenneth Moller's Valveless Pulsejet Forum
Reynstodyne FMC II
(easy construction version of Fo Mi Chin II)
- Type: Quasi-Concentric Reynst Breathing Valveless Pulsejet
- Evaluation: UNKNOWN [to be independently built & tested]
- Performance: UNKNOWN
- Features: Easy starting, good running, throttleable, low cost, thin profile, light weight
- Design disclosure: July 2005
- Prototype: To be independently built & tested
Original post in Kenneth Moller's Valveless Pulsejet Forum
Reynstodyne Fokus 'French Skirted Lady'
- Type: Reynst Breathing Augmented Focused Wave Valveless Pulsejet
- Evaluation: UNSUCCESSFUL [unable to achieve self-sustained operation]
- Performance: UNKNOWN
- Features: Integral skirt type thrust augmentor
- Design disclosure: April 2005
- Prototype: Built in-house April 2005, independently tested April 2005, Mike Everman
Original post in Kenneth Moller's Valveless Pulsejet Forum
Reynstodyne Henri Prototype
- Type: Reynst Breathing Quasi-Concentric Valveless Pulsejet
- Evaluation: UNKNOWN [currently under in-house testing]
- Performance: UNKNOWN
- Features: Compact, low cost, thin profile, light weight
- Design disclosure: April 2005
- Prototype: Built & tested in-house April 2005
Original post in Kenneth Moller's Valveless Pulsejet Forum
SFOA Ball Bearing Valve Pulsejet
- Type: Poppet Valve Pulsejet
- Evaluation: UNKNOWN [construction incomplete]
- Performance: UNKNOWN
- Features: Easy valve maintenance, low cost
- Design disclosed: 2002
- Prototype: Under construction
Construction Page
Reynstodyne Shark Tiny Valveless Pulsejet
- Type: Reynst Breathing Valveless Pulsejet
- Evaluation: UNSUCCESSFUL [unable to achieve self-sustained operation]
- Performance: UNKNOWN
- Features: Simplicity, low cost
- Design disclosed: 2002
- Prototype: Built & tested in-house 2002
Construction Article - jetZILLA Online Magazine
Synchrodyne Valveless Pulsejet
- Type: Synchronized Pressure Reflection Valveless Pulsejet
- Evaluation: UNSUCCESSFUL [unable to achieve self-sustained operation]
- Performance: UNKNOWN
- Features: Simplicity, low cost
- Design disclosed: 2001
- Prototype: Built & tested in-house 2001
Construction Page
Test Journal Page
Pulsodyne Tiny Valveless Pulsejet
- Type: Flow Rectification Valveless Pulsejet
- Evaluation: UNSUCCESSFUL [unable to achieve self-sustained operation]
- Performance: UNKNOWN
- Features: Simplicity, low cost
- Design disclosed: 2001
- Prototype: Built & tested in-house 2001
Cyclodyne Cyclical-Flow Engine
- Type: Constant-Combustion Cyclical-Flow Jet Engine
- Evaluation: UNKNOWN [construction incomplete]
- Performance: UNKNOWN
- Features: Easy maintenance, low cost
- Design disclosed: 2001
- Prototype: Construction on hold
Rejected by NASA!